The Most Beautiful Girl in the Tribe

I recently discovered the amazing work of photographer Jimmy Nelson and was inspired by his intense and beautiful portraits of tribal cultures around the globe. I heartily recommend seeing his work:

Regrettably- I could only approach this new inspiration in my usual manner. So here’s a picture of someone in silly glasses.

A tribal beauty in silly glasses
The most Beautiful Girl in the Tribe


Video: Painting a portrait from imagination

I decided to make a video. People have been encouraging me.
It shows my painting process from start to finish when working on a portrait from imagination. It’s not a tutorial exactly but hopefully it’ll be of some help or interest to someone out there.

Frankly, it’s a bit stupid, but my main goal was to get to grips with making a tutorial video so if I ever want to then I can. Consider this one a dry run- I’ll probably make something more useful in the future.